A painting inspired by the total solar eclipse that occurred in my region in April 2024. The sun has been fully obstructed by the moon, and the first few rays of light are starting to emerge from behind.
A quiet stream on a fall day underneath a massive Japanese maple.
A bright fantastical forest during the Golden Hour. A thin dirt path disappears deeper into the woods, leading to unknown adventure.
Digital Painting. An experiment in colour and light, featuring brightly coloured mountains and a misty sunset.
A twisted and tangled driftwood formation.
Gouache on paper. Pink and blue clouds late on a summer's afternoon. Birds fly in the sky nearby.
A monarch butterfly sits on a flower against a forested background.
Ginger cookies from Card’s Bakery in Kingston, ON.
An apple orchard overlooking Lake Ontario. Taken at County Cider, in Prince Edward County.
Gouache on watercolour paper. A view of the Milky Way galaxy from the forest below.
Spongecake with blueberries on blue wood board.
Shot with a Canon 65mm macro lens. One of my earlier attempts at snowflake photography.
Two people walk down a hallway in the Palace of Versailles, France.
One of the clock faces from the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, France. Taken from the inside of the museum, looking through at the Lourve across the river.
Bokeh photography of a tunnel wrapped in warm white string lights.
Wild roses in the autumn late afternoon sun.